Monday, March 16, 2009

End game

Over the last couple of weeks, I've renewed my commitment to keep up on my reading of industry stuff, but more importantly, have been very focused on committing the knowledge I've gained about virtual worlds for enterprise learning to some sort of written form. Obviously (ahem) this has not been documented in my blog. In fact, I've had to really think about what this blog is for me. 

Way back when I started blogging (a mere year ago!), I decided that this forum was not a place where I would be documenting all of my thoughts on learning, on training, on technology, or on virtual worlds. This was a blog where I could write about starting this company, lessons learned, etc. Sure, the occasional rant on virtual worlds and learning sneaks in here (it IS what I do) but I haven't been focused on blogging on these topics. 

This blog is truly a reflection of my ambition. My ambition has never been to position myself as a researcher--my ambition is to be a practitioner. My ambition was never to travel around, talking about the latest utilization of technology for learning--my ambition is to actually design and develop learning experiences utilizing new technology. And maybe make a little money doing it.

Throughout the course of every day, you have to make strategic decisions about the direction you're going to take. My strategic direction, my goal, is to build a successful learning company, not simply be a thought-leader. I do have a bias that people who are doing the work tend to know the most about doing the work...therein lies my knowledge, experience and expertise. How I will define success for myself, though, is not in people saying I'm an expert. I'll truly feel successful when people say that I really know how to run my business. Maybe that's why I'm an entrepreneur and not a college professor.

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